Alomac® is derived from a species of Aloe Vera called Aloe Macroclada that is native to and exclusively grown in Madagascar. It’s been used by the Malagasy people for centuries. It’s renowned for its healing properties as found today in:

  • Supplements
  • Health and beauty products including skincare and food
  • Pet care

Research has proven Alomac’s ability to create an increase in adult circulating stem cells. Many conditions have been studied and are benefiting from this gift from nature including:


Documents / Downloads

Acemannan Discussion

Acemannan Acemannan has become a popular component of aloes, and it’s often reported on product labels. It’s worthy of attention but only a fragment of

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Polysaccharide thoughts

Polysaccharides can be found in many plants. They are linked sugar molecules forming long chains and have poorly-understood biological effects. Glucose and fructose are commonly

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