
IASC Member Spotlight: Alomac

IASC Member Spotlight: Alomac

Aug 9th 2024

IASC Member Spotlight: Alomac Alomac is grown and naturally produced in Madagascar from Aloe macroclada, a species of aloe known for healing properties. To produce the ingredient for dietary su … read more

Do Lemurs Really Eat Aloe?

Posted by John James on Jun 26th 2024

Lemurs eat a wide range of fruits, plant, insects, and, yes, aloe. While we haven’t conducted any scientific studies, we’re pretty certain that they also enjoy the health benefits of Aloe macroclada. … read more

Giving back to Madagascar

Posted by John James on Jun 26th 2024

The gift of Aloe macroclada comes from all Malagasy, therefore we operate in a way which benefits as many Malagasy as possible. Our aloe plants are cultivated in villages spread around the central hig … read more

Human Clinical Studies

Posted by John James on Jun 26th 2024

Prior to producing Alomac, a human clinical trial was performed testing Aloe macroclada pills made by a traditional healer in Madagascar. The positive results were published: (https://www.walshmedical … read more

Better Aloe – Higher in Polysaccharides

Posted by John James on Jun 26th 2024

Polysaccharides are arguably the most beneficial group of compounds found in aloes. Acemannan is the best known and studied of these polysaccharides, but is only one of countless versions of long-chai … read more